Sterlite Power "PowerPic Contest 2022"
How To Participate
Transmission co-exists with nature, wildlife and communities
(e.g.: A picture showcasing transmission towers/network with nature/wildlife/communities in the background/foreground)
Submit Your Entries Through Either of the Following Ways:
- Post a clear, self-clicked picture on your Instagram/LinkedIn/Twitter/Facebook handle. Don’t forget to tag Sterlite Power in your posts.
- You can also enter the contest by submitting your entries in the comment section of our post
Entries MUST Have:
- A transmission tower as an element
- A caption/description describing the photograph
- The hashtag #PowerPic
Entries MUST Mention:
- Name of the photographer
- Name of the organization
Entries MUST Look Like:
Contest ends on: 3̶1̶s̶t̶ ̶A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶2̶ 7th September 2022 | 5 PM
*Winners will get an exciting hamper.
Rules & Regulations
- Open to all photographers, amateur or pro
- Entrant can submit a maximum of 3 photographs
- All photographs should be based on the given theme
- To be eligible for participation, a photograph must be clicked by the entrant. Submitting someone else’s click will lead to disqualification
- All entrants agree to the storage of their images in electronic form for the purpose of judging the competition and the private distribution of those images as required to complete the judging process
- Photographs must be submitted as .jpeg, .jpg, or .png files
- The contest does not require an entrant fee