Live-line Reconductoring With Zero Shutdown

INTRODUCTION Driven by our core values of ‘innovation’ and ‘social impact’, Sterlite Power recently heralded in a pioneering new technology in India – Zero Shutdown Reconductoring, to address transmission congestion challenges. This unique project was successfully completed with the reconductoring of a 66 kV transmission line connecting Bengaluru’s Electronic City under ‘Live-line conditions.’
Crossing Over To Brazil

INTRODUCTION We won the Arcoverde (literally the ‘Green Arch’) project, our very first on foreign soil, in an auction conducted by Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) in April 2017. The concession was signed in August 2017. This project was key to establishing our credibility as a trusted transmission player in the country.
Bringing More Power To The J&k Valley

INTRODUCTION This northernmost region of India faces severe power deficit, crippling daily life and adversely impacting its path to progress. The problem gets a lot worse during the harsh winters, as less hydropower is generated. There was a need to connect the Valley with the Northern Grid via a reliable transmission corridor.
Malappuram – Manjeri Line

INTRODUCTION The existing 30 years old infrastructure was ageing and needed an upgradation to carry an increased load and to improve quality of power. The line had to be converted from 66 kV S/C to 110kV D/C to further improve stability. KSEB was struggling with the thirty-year old network around which towns grew, leaving no […]

INTRODUCTION The State of Jammu & Kashmir is striving to meet the growing power demand, and to address legacy issues such as high peak deficit and lack of electricity access to unconnected households. The state government was looking for an alternate power corridor to light up Kashmir. The old transmission corridor that runs from Moga […]
Farakka Malda

INTRODUCTION PGCIL was seeking a solution that could enable enhanced power transfer capacity of the existing tower structures. There was no scope for building an additional line due to extreme ROW, with a congested residential corridor and a situation of unrest. The project experienced challenging states of affairs with conductor stringing across Ganges basin, railway […]

INTRODUCTION The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation limited (DMRC) was looking for solution to connect its INA substation with Dhaula Kuan substation. The two substations needed to be connected to ensure continuous power supply to the metro in the existing congested infrastructure.
BSES Rajdhani

INTRODUCTION BSES Rajdhani Power limited or BRPL is mainly responsible for the distribution of power in an area spanning as many as 19 districts in and around Delhi. BRPL was looking for solution to upgrade its two substations- Andheria Bagh & Vasant Kunj B Block. Solution was required to upgrade 33 kV level to 66 […]