This is the decade for urgent action

In a recent interview with Power Line, Pratik Agarwal, managing director, Sterlite Power, shared his perspective on the energy transition in the country and integration of the growing renewable energy capacity into the electricity grid while maintaining its stability. He also shared his outlook for the transmission segment. Edited excerpts… What is your perspective on […]
PM Gati Shakti Portal: A game changer that can help India achieve $20-trillion economy dream by 2040

Synopsis Last year, a step towards this was taken by launching the PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan (NMP) in October 2021. The ₹100 lakh crore mega plan was launched with a digital platform to bring 16 ministries together for integrated planning and implementation of projects. Infrastructure development is a critical enabler to achieve a […]
GatiShakti a giant stride in India’s $5-trillion economy goal

As India seeks to accelerate its growth momentum towards reaching the goal of evolving into a $5-trillion economy by 2025, the government has been consistently supportive and proactive towards clearing any challenges or impediments to ensure that the overall growth targets are getting achieved. Keeping in line with the reforms agenda, Prime Minister Narendra Modi […]
Generation Restoration Through Innovation

Generation Restoration Through Innovation REIMAGINE. RECREATE. RESTORE 5 June, 2021, World Environment Day, marks the launch of United Nation’s 10-year plan to pause and reverse the decline of ecosystem – the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.Interestingly, economic restoration doesn’t only refer to growing trees and cleaning up rivers. It can also mean sustainable development, restoring vegetation, […]
A Game-changing OPGW Connectivity For Data Centers To Overcome Traditional Fiber Challenges

“A game-changing OPGW connectivity for Data Centers to overcome traditional fiber challenges” Indian Data Center landscape India’s data center market is booming in the era of virtualization and cloud computing as more and more businesses across the industries are shifting their servers to data centers, outside of their organizations, due to the ever-increasing volume of […]
Technical Paper: Enhancement Of Existing Transmission Line/corridor Capacity – The Necessity & Methods

Technical Paper: Enhancement of Existing Transmission Line/Corridor Capacity – The Necessity & Methods Abstract: India’s power grid has been in a state of rapid evolution due to increased load demand. The past decade has seen substantial changes in the Indian power ecosystem. Going forward, the future, which is dominated by urban evolution, evolving demographics, and […]
Coexistence Is The Key To A Sustainable Tomorrow: It’s Time For Nature

Biodiversity is referred to as “the variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat; a high level of which is usually considered to be vital and desirable”. We might not realize, but biodiversity is associated with several vital eco-systemic services, like soil retention, regulation of water, oxygen production, to name a few. The simple fact […]
Strengthening System Reliability While Preserving Biodiversity

“Biodiversity starts in the distant past and it points towards the future” Simple, yet powerful; this statement by renowned wildlife photographer Frans Lanting is a constant reminder that if we don’t preserve biodiversity, our future might not look that promising. In the haste to achieve success and development, we often forget that ‘WE’- the humankind, […]
Achieving Power For All With Intercontinental Power Grids

The electricity sourced through Intercontinental Grid would be green, hence reducing the impact on the planet and addressing climate change. Despite recent advances in electrification, around a billion people in the world are still without access to electricity. Of the 89% that do have access, many are without reliable supply. In 20th century, access to […]
Ensuring Reliable Electricity During Covid-19

Ensuring reliable electricity during COVID-19 Operations and maintenance of power transmission lines is as much of a contact sport as you can think of. Armies of ‘gangs’ are required to patrol towers every day to make sure that everything in order because you’re only as good as your weakest tower in the entire asset. I […]