Sterlite Power hearlds in robotic technology ‘Skyrob’ for safe & efficient OPGW stringing on high voltage lines

Sterlite Power, a leading global developer of power transmission assets, has pioneered robotic technology for the installation of Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) on high voltage power transmission lines under energized (‘live-line’) conditions. For the first time in India, this method will be deployed to replace existing earth wire. Skyrob assisted operations for OPGW stringing will […]
Sterlite Power heralds in Robotic Technology Skyrob for safe & efficient OPGW stringing on high voltage lines

Sterlite Power heralds in Robotic Technology ‘Skyrob’ for safe & efficient OPGW stringing on high voltage lines Launch of Robotic Technology ‘Skyrob’ for Live-line work on high voltage power lines ‘Skyrob’ significantly reduces human intervention during operations and ensures safety Technology aimed at enhancing speed of operation 3X times New Delhi, 29th August 2019: Sterlite Power, […]