Sterlite Power doubles transmission capacity in Lucknow

Sterlite Power on Monday said it has uprated and commissioned five 132 kv lines in Lucknow, the Capital of Uttar Pradesh. Transmission capacity of these five existing lines were doubled without any major change to existing infrastructure, a Sterlite Power statement said. According to the statement, these lines, which normally carry 80-85 MW load, will […]
Sterlite Power doubles power transmission capacity in Lucknow to ensure uninterrupted power supply, in record time

Sterlite Power doubles power transmission capacity in Lucknow to ensure uninterrupted power supply, in record time Sterlite Power’s solution boosts capacity of transmission lines and relieves network congestion Project executed in record time 102 CKM of uprating five transmission lines in just 78 Shutdown days in Lucknow Lucknow, 20 July 2019: Sterlite Power has achieved […]