Ease Of Doing Business With Reliable Electricity

India is powering ahead and is now one of the top ranked economies in South Asia, as per a latest report released by the World Bank. Last week, the World Bank marked up India’s ranking in its ‘Ease of Doing Business’ score (EODB) for 2018-2019, at 77, rapidly moving up from its place in 2015 […]


Projects DEC 2019 Availability since COD
ENICL 99.82 99.54
BDTCL 99.90 99.71
JTCL 100.00 99.54
RTCL 100.00 99.84
PKTCL 100.00 99.93
NRSS-XXIX 98.61 99.67
MTL 100.00 99.95
OGPTL 100.00 99.95
PTCL 100.00 99.94
KTL 100.00 100.00
GPTL 99.81 99.60