Odisha Generation Phase-I Project (OGPTL)

The state of Odisha has emerged as one of the key centers for power generation in India. Sterlite Power will develop transmission systems to help power projects in the state cater to the demand centers in the country. The project is a part of Common Transmission System for Phase-II Generation Projects and Immediate Evacuation System for OPGC Project in Odisha. The transmission lines will be part of the interstate transmission network providing additional evacuation of up to 5,000 MW of electricity from Odisha-based plants that are seeking better access to power-consuming centers. Sterlite Power will Build, Own, Operate & Maintain two lines that will connect Odisha and Chhattisgarh.

A one-of-its-kind project in Brazil, the Pampa project once completed will be transmitting power of over 1500 MVA.
Purulia & Kharagpur Transmission Project (PKTCL)

The PKTCL project has been brought into existence to grow generation capacity in the eastern parts of India. It was essential towards the interconnection of state grids with regional grids to facilitate exchange of additional power between them. The project involves the establishment of two 400 kV Double Circuit transmission lines and has been awarded on a ‘Build, Own, Operate and Maintain (BOOM)’ basis.
Rapp Transmission

The project transfers power from the atomic power plant near Kota in Rajasthan to Shujalpur in Madhya Pradesh to provide the path for the evacuation of electricity generated at RAPP-7 and 8. The transmission system evacuates and transmits power through a 200 Km long 400 kV Double Circuit line. This line has further strengthened power transfer capability from the Northern Grid to the Western Grid.
São Francisco

Generation flow in the southern area of the Northeast region.

Solar Energy Flow from the North and Northwest Regions of Minas Gerais.
Bhopal Dhule Transmission Project (BDTCL)

Bhopal Dhule Transmission Company Limited (BDTCL) was incorporated on September 8, 2009. It entered into a transmission service agreement dated December 7, 2010 with PFC. The BDTCL project was awarded to SGL1 by the Ministry of Power on January 31, 2011 for a period of 35-years from the scheduled commercial operation date of the BDTCL Project on a BOOM basis.

Apart from providing assistance to the regions of Mossoró, Aracati and Fortaleza, this project additionally utilizes the full wind and solar energy potential of the Aracati and Mossoró regions.

Assistance to the Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa.
East-north Interconnection Project (ENICL)

ENICL, the first-of-its-kind Mega Independent Power Transmission Project to be awarded in India, was set up with an aim to evacuate power from the north-east and eastern states to the northern region of India. It has been identified as one of the highest priority lines by the Power System Operation Corporation Limited (POSOCO), as it provides critical connectivity for the transfer of power from the generating plants in the north-eastern region. This project will address the critical issue of power shortfall during non-monsoon months, thereby bringing significant relief to the people of Assam.